 Billing Terms and Conditions
Please look over our billing terms and conditions below for details concerning Simple.Net's
billing practices.
For further questions or comments regarding Simple.Net billing terms and conditions, please
contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-487-7467 M-F
6am - 5pm (MST).

1. Representation
This service is marketed by Icon Interactive, LTD. of Arizona ("Provider") under the trade name Simple.Net, an independent reseller of Internet access services. Provider is solely responsible for its representations and actions.
2. Service Fee
The fee for service will be billed monthly by direct debit of User's credit card on file, by direct debit of User's checking account (ACH) or will be billed on User's phone bill. Funds are considered earned from the time that the Service access information has been provided to User until cancelled by User. Service access information is considered provided to User four days after being mailed to User by Provider.
3. Service RateService will be on a month to month basis at the rates then in effect, until cancelled by User. For all customer service questions including cancellations, please call: 1-800-487-7467.
4. Balance
The entire outstanding balance shall become due and payable if any payment is delinquent more then 10 days and User shall pay all cost of collection whether or not suit is brought, including reasonable attorney's fee.
5. Internet Content Liability
Provider, its respective agents', resellers' and employees' liability in the performance of their responsibilities under this agreement arising out of any claim of error or omission, or failure to provide any item and or information shall at most be limited to the changes paid for the Service offered. Provider disclaims responsibility for any and all material appearing by way of the Internet as provider does not monitor its content.
6. InfringementProvider shall be indemnified and held harmless by User with respect to any claims of infringement or similar claims in connection with any content and or material accessible through the Service provided by Provider.
7. Service Provided
User acknowledges that the Service is provided "As Is" and that no representations have been made regarding the results to be achieved through the use of the Internet. Provider agrees to only provide Internet access service with no hourly limit, when User utilizes the proper hardware, software, username and password. Only Providers written representations shall be binding upon the Provider.
8. DisputesThis agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Arizona. Any dispute must be settled by arbitration.
9. Agreement
This agreement shall not without the express written prior consent of the Provider, be transferred or assigned. Termination or suspension of User's telephone service, modification of address, location or moving, failure to provide and utilize proper hardware, software, settings, username and password, shall not warrant an adjustment to charges. |